About Us
Your visual and content freedom! We believe every business owner deserves beautiful collateral where they have the ability to shape their direction. Where possible we use collaboration tools for a truly unique way of working with our customers.At First, we Sought out A Design Firm
In 2009, we were a little frustrated every time we contacted a design/development firm to work with our other companies they wanted to hang onto our content without our ability to access and adapt it. They were less collaborative than prescriptive.
We wondered what it would be like to have a design team that offered clients the freedom to fully collaborate with easy-to-use tools in a more iterative and agile approach. We wanted our clients to have the autonomy to work with our team throughout the process rather than end up with a finished product they had no ability to alter themselves. We wanted every output to reflect their business persona and the essence of their brand.
So we built one!
Our Team
We are a small team of design enthusiasts who care deeply about helping you put your best face forward for your clients.

Patti Blackstaffe
Co-Founder, CEO, project management
Customer engagement, project management

Molly Brook
Site Designer / Developer / Auditor
Divi Specialist, WordPress specialist, template design, audits

Rob Stephens
Programmer / Graphic Designer / Developer
HTML5, CSS3, jQuery, WordPress, PHP, raster and vector graphics

Walt Blackstaffe
Co-Founder, COO, Animated Videos
Finance, operations, animated videos